總教練 - 曾海坤
Interview with the head coach - Tsang
Q: 點解開始學習泰拳?
A: 我由細到大學習各種各樣嘅武術,後來專注研究泰拳,參加大型賽事又獲得唔錯嘅成績,所以泰拳自然成為咗我嘅興趣同埋事業。
Q: 你會點形容你的泰拳教學方式?
A: 我自從2005年喺泰國曼谷考獲專業泰拳教練資格,已經教咗泰拳差不多10年了,經過咁多年嘅觀察,我比較鍾意以簡單嘅手法帶領學員對拳擊漸漸產生興趣。所以我平時上堂會以「開心、好玩、學到嘢」嘅方法教一啲基本技術,當學員打好基礎之後,我反而會更加嚴厲,幫佢哋改進打拳嘅姿勢、加強進擊嘅技術,希望佢哋可以慢慢進步。
Q: 好多人覺得拳擊好暴力,你點睇?
A: 我覺得每一項運動都有一定嘅危險性,所以一定要係專業教練嘅指導之下學習。我覺得學打拳唔算好暴力,因為我會因應不同學員嘅程度分組教學,初學者當然唔會入擂台對打,反而一啲資深嘅學生就可以係教練嘅監督之下增加對打嘅經驗。
Q: 教泰拳嘅趣事?
A: 好多人都叫我魔鬼教練,但係其實我平時笑容滿面架!我希望大家上堂可以輕輕鬆鬆,因為做運動最主要就想為大家減壓,但係我亦都唔會鬆懈,上得魔鬼教練嘅堂就一定要勤力!
Q: What lead you to start practicing Muay Thai?
A: I have been practicing many forms of martial arts since I was little, and when I started to focus in Muay Thai, I earned some nice results in international fights, so gradually Thai boxing became my interest as well as career.
Q: How would you describe your own Thai boxing courses?
A: I’ve been teaching Muay Thai for almost 10 years since I attained my professional Muay Thai instructor qualification in Bangkok back in 2005. Having taught all kinds of different students, I realize that I like to ease my students into training with the simplest technique – fun. I start my training so that my beginner students feel “it’s fun, I’m happy, and I’ve learned something” after every session. However, once the advance students have perfected their basic skills, I become the devil trainer to push them to their limits, improve the attacks, and gradually become a better Thai boxer.
Q: Any fun stories to share about your teaching?
A: Everyone call me the “Devil Trainer” with a big smile! I want my students to feel relax when they are here to train, to relieve them of their stress, but I will also make sure they feel the right amount of pressure to improve their fitness.
Participated Fights Included:
Fu Tak KF 1 King of Boxing
World Muay Thai Championship – Hong Kong representative
Libogen Fight Night Round 1
WMC I-1 Knock-out Fight
World Muay Thai Championship – Hong Kong representative
Xplosion 16 Gold Coast Australia
K-1 Combat – Hong Kong Opening Fight
Libogen Fight Night Round 3
Libogen Fight Night Round 4
China Wushuu Sanda Hong Kong Cup
Shoot Boxing 70kg
Ligogen Fight Night Round 5
Ringmasters Olympic (Turkey)
The 132th China K-O Fight (Guangzhou)
Hong Kong Muay Thai Championship – Lightweight (63.5kg)
World Muay Thai Championship – Hong Kong representative
Planet Battle 63kg
China Wushuu Sanda Hong Kong Cup
World Wushuu Championship – Hong Kong Sanda Representative