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Devil Fitness由總教練曾海坤於2014年3月創立,以最熱血、最專業嘅方式將泰拳運動推廣至不同階層。香港人學業、工作、生活壓力沉重,泰拳運動自然成為強身健體、挑戰自我、為身心打氣嘅最佳運動,讓您一吐返工返學嘅悶氣之餘,又可以加強身體機能。

總教練曾海坤同埋資深教練張家俊均師承香港世界拳王向柏榮,已經學習及教授泰拳超過十年,仲喺本地及國際拳壇屢戰屢勝,喺Devil Fitness以專業、輕鬆、安全之教學嘅方法,為社會不同年齡人士培養泰拳運動嘅樂趣。


Devil Fitness設有多種搏擊課程,初學者、甚至冇任何運動經驗嘅朋友可以選擇初階課程,主要針對改善心肺功能,建立良好體能基礎,是減肥強身嘅最佳選擇。曾接受拳擊訓練嘅學員可以參加進階課程,進一步增強搏擊技術。學員仲可以選擇一對一私人授課,集中訓練,以為您度身訂造嘅課程加強訓練效果。我哋仲會不定時推出特別課程,例如暑期兒童班,等小朋友可以同屋企人一齊感受一下泰拳嘅樂趣,增加親子感情。


Devil Fitness位於荃灣市中心,由荃灣地鐵站B1出口步行至本中心只係需要七分鐘,附近仲有好多小巴通往港九新界各區,交通方便。館內設備齊全,除咗沙包、擂台等必備器材外,男女更衣室、浴室、儲物櫃等等設施更加係免費開放俾學員使用。


Devil fitness was founded by our head coach Mr. Tsang Hoi Kwan in March 2014, with passion as well as professionalism to promote the sport of Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) and fitness. To tackle the daily pressure from school, work, or life itself, many Hong Kong people has naturally look to Thai boxing as best sports to get fit, challenge yourself, or as a simple stress-reliever from daily lives while enhancing your body.


Head coach Tsang Hoi Kwan and senior coach Matthew Cheung were both students under World Champion Master Heung Pak Wing, and have been practicing and teaching Muay Thai for over 10 years. After winning numerous local and international fights, Kwan and Matthew teaches Thai boxing in the most professional, relaxing, and safe way at Devil Fitness, spreading the fun of Muay Thai to people of all ages.


Devil Fitness offers a wide range of boxing courses – beginners, even those with zero sports experiences can go for the beginners course; aimed at enhancing your body’s cardio function, building up your physical fitness, it is the best choice for those who  are looking to slim down and get stronger. Students with basic boxing experiences should choose the advance course to further improve their boxing skills and continue to build a stronger body. One-on-one sessions are also available for those who wants to focus on their training with a tailor-made program to gain faster, better results. Special course will also be offered from time to time, such as summer kids courses to introduce Thai boxing to youngsters and create a memorable family experience.   


Devil Fitness is located in the heart of Tsuen Wan, a mere 7-minute walk from Tsuen Wan MTR Exit B1, plus various minibus routes to and from around town. Our center is fully equipped with boxing ring and sandbags, with exclusive changing rooms, showers, and lockers which are available free of charge for our students.


Monday-Friday 1:00pm-10:30pm

Saturday             11:30am-5:00pm

Close on Sunday 




1/F., 136 Hoi Pa Street, Tsuen Wan. 

(Tsuen Wan MTR Exit B1)


Call 2550 0225 / whatsapp 5441 1893

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